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How Not to Trap Moles

Bring up the topic of moles destroying a yard and someone is bound to tell you about the success they had (or heard of) by using  ( fill in the blank ) .  Well, believe us, we’ve heard these stories too!

One of these oft-described methods is the use of mouse traps baited with peanut butter placed by mole mounds and holes in the dirt.

This is a favorite of a “lawn guy” who also liked to apply chemical mole repellants to people’s yards for a healthy fee and an argumentative older fellow we run into occasionally.  Both of these guys will tell you it works, but can’t really give you many details; they just heard it works.

To us, this method seems counter-intuitive as moles are mostly sub-surface animals and are carnivores.  We question if in fact any “success” may have been with voles or shrews: two animals often mixed up with moles.

Another method people often refer to get rid of moles is the use of smoke, gases, explosions, fireballs, etc in the mole tunnels.  While we admit there is a certain appeal to incendiary and explosive devices, the safety conscious part of our brains tells us to stay clear of the temptation of these methods.  We would advise the same to homeowners.

A friend of Frontline Animal Removal recently shared these pictures of his attempts to deal with moles.  As the pictures show, he succumbed to the two dubious methods we described above.  His mole problems were not solved. We include these pictures with the warning: DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!

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We would advise you to give up the peanut butter baited mousetraps and any and all hazardous materials in your attempts to control the mole population in your yard!

Trapping moles with properly designed mole traps works!

We try to educate people about moles and mole trapping, but sometimes logic and experience don’t always win the day.

If you are experiencing mole problems (like tunnels and mounds) and want to learn more, check out our Mole Trapping page.

Whether we can trap your moles for you or provide the education to do it yourself, a call to Frontline Animal Removal is a good move to help solve the mole problems plaguing your beautiful lawn.

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Expert Mole Trapping Service for the Akron / Canton / Kent Area

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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